
2011 Summer Workshop

We are happy to announce our 3rd Summer Workshop! The 2011 workshop is once again targeted to high school computing educators. This year we plan to provide more hands-on training and practice on the topics that received high praises from last year's participants.

The workshop will take place on June 20-22, 2011 and once again is hosted by the Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech. This year's workshop is sponsored by Google's Computer Science for High School, and with partial funding by NCWIT.

The goal of the workshop is to provide teachers with hands on experience using new and innovative approaches to teach computing. In addition, we want to foster the creation of a community of creative and innovative high school educators that can partner with us to explore new ways to teach computing. In this workshop you will get to practice and explore: Computational Thinking, Using Graphical User Interfaces with the ACM JTF Classes, and Media Computation. We will provide opportunities to discuss appropriate assignments for these topics. We hope that you will walk away understanding the practical details of how to use these approaches in the classroom.